The hunter admired the boys The heroes of Bezhina Meadows are peasants. Presentation on the topic "I.S

"Turgenev's cycle "Notes of a hunter"" - Exposure analysis. Russia has a future. Kalinich stood closer to nature. Estimated answer. Family archive. I returned to literature. Problem question. Bezhin meadow. Polecat against the background of the landowner Polutykin. Epigraph to the lesson. One must see in the other person the reflection of Christ. Raising a sense of conscious patriotism.

"The book" Bezhin Meadow "Turgenev" - Exposition. Turgenev in the description of nature. Artistic visual means. Literary dictionary. The relationship between man and nature. It was night. July day. The smell of a Russian summer night. Sweetly shy chest. Problem question. A beautiful July day. I. S. Turgenev "Bezhin Meadow". Rested herd.

"Asya's Tale" - The love story of Asya and Mr. N.N. Questions to be answered: Why do the characters break up? What is at the core of the story? At the heart of the story is love. What is Mr. N.N.'s love? Why is Mr. N.N. afraid to confess his feelings to Asya? Turgenev was convinced that love is associated with the highest upsurge of feelings.

“The book “Bezhin Meadow”” - Artist E. Bem. Field. Face. Turgenev draws with love and tenderness in the story Bezhin Meadow. Meadow. Turgenev hunting with Dianka. Summer evening. Bezhin meadow. Story. Heroes of Bezhina Meadows. The story of Trishka. The ability to perceive beauty. Hunting equipment Turgenev. Great master of landscape. Force. All the scary stories in the story are chosen so that they are in harmony and.

"Fathers and Sons Quiz" - Bureau of Literary Found. Summarizing. Intellectual game "Clever and clever". Issues related to knowledge of the philosophical, moral and aesthetic position of I.S. Turgenev. Generalization and systematization of knowledge. Intellectual game. Theorists. The heroic world of the novel. From the life of I.S. Turgenev.

"Lesson Turgenev Mumu" - Name. Means of creating a literary hero. Gerasim and Mumu. Is it really a little? Conversation on questions: Let's remember the main characters of the story. Student message. Teacher's word. Clothing. The word of the teacher about the history of the creation of the story. Let's try to formulate the topic of the lesson. Tasks: Did Gerasim have the right to leave the mistress?

Total in the topic 43 presentations

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Portraits of boys from the work of I.S. Turgeneva “Bezhin meadow” The presentation was made by a 6th grade student Olga Maksaeva Teacher: Prokhorova L.I.

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The history of the creation of the “hunter's notes” In 1845, I.S. Turgenev decided to devote himself entirely to literary activity. Two years before that, Ivan Sergeevich met the famous critic V.G. Belinsky, who was the ideological inspirer of the future collection "Notes of a Hunter". Summer months I.S. Turgenev spent in the village, where he devoted all his free time to hunting. Hunters, by virtue of the special wandering essence of their profession, differed from simple serfs: they were more open, sensitive to the beauties of nature, retained a free and independent mind. Meeting with various hunters from the people, listening to their stories, Turgenev gradually immersed himself in the element of folk life, the writer began to form an idea for a future literary work. So, in 1847, the first story by I.S. Turgenev "Khor and Kapinich", which marked the beginning of the collection, called by the writer "Notes of a hunter". The work of I.S. Turgenev "Running Meadow" is a short story. A story is a small epic work that tells about one or more events in a person's life.

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The main characters of the story are peasant boys from neighboring villages who guard the herd. Their life is given through the perception of the narrator - a hunter who accidentally got lost on one of the July days. A picture of the life of peasant children on a summer evening unfolds before the reader. The boys are talking quietly by the fire. Listening to the stories of boys, observing their clothes, behavior, actions, the narrator forms a general idea of ​​peasant life. The guys are simply dressed: patched ports, bast shoes and onuchi, canvas shirts. Only one boy, Fedya, who looks older, according to the author, “belonged, by all indications, to a rich family and went out into the field not out of need, but just for fun.” As the son of a wealthy peasant, he had to be the lead singer. The eldest of the guys is Fedya. This guy is from a wealthy family. During the conversation, he said that he had come to Bezhin Meadow for fun at night. During the monologue with the guys, he behaved in a businesslike manner. Peasant children tell scary stories to each other. And through their attitude to what they heard, the author reveals all the charm of their world. For example, the boy Ilyusha describes a brownie who is found in an old roller blind in a factory and frightens the workers. Kostya talks about Gavrila, a suburban carpenter, who once met a forest mermaid and since then "has been walking sadly." Pavlusha speaks of "something heavenly foresight", which frightened everyone, even the master. The guys believe in evil spirits, evil spirits, witches and sorcerers. And in this faith of theirs one can trace the desire of people for mystery, unknown things, inexplicable phenomena. Belief in miracles, ghosts, good and evil spirits has been preserved among the people since ancient times. Therefore, in the stories told by boys, there are many folklore images: brownies, mermaids, evil spirits. The power of rural beliefs is enormous. The boys talk about people who did not die of their own death, these stories both fascinate and frighten children. The life of peasant children is deprived of prosperity, material well-being.

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Fedya. The oldest of the guys is Fedya. He came from a wealthy family, and he went out to guard the herd for fun. Unlike the other boys, he was dressed in a cotton shirt with a border, a brand new army jacket, wore his own boots, and also had a comb with him - a rare attribute among peasant children. Fedya was a slender boy, "with beautiful and thin, slightly small features, curly blond hair and a permanent half-joyful, half-scattered smile." Fedya lay like a lord, leaning on his elbow, showing his superiority with all his appearance. During the conversation, he behaves businesslike, asks questions, puts on airs, patronizingly allows the boys to share amazing stories. He listens attentively to his friends, but with all his appearance he demonstrates that he has little faith in their stories. It is felt that he has a good education at home, and therefore he is not characterized by the naivety inherent in other children.

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Pavlush. One of the boys met by the hunter in the valley was Pavlusha. This squat and clumsy fellow of twelve years old, with a huge head, tousled black hair, gray eyes, a pale and pockmarked face, was kneeling by the fire and cooking "potatoes". And although he looked unprepossessing, Ivan Petrovich immediately liked him. He admired his "bold prowess and firm determination", when he rushed headlong, without a weapon, in the middle of the night alone to a wolf and did not boast of it at all, and soon he went alone to the river to draw water, heard the voice of the dead man and did not show any signs of fear. "What a nice boy!" - so appreciated his hunter.

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Ilyusha. Ilyusha is a twelve-year-old boy with an insignificant appearance, hook-nosed, with an elongated, half-sighted face, expressing "some kind of dull, painful solicitude." The author emphasizes how poor this peasant boy looked: "He was wearing new bast shoes and onuchi; a thick rope, twisted three times around the camp, carefully pulled together his neat black scroll." And his low felt cap, from under which sharp braids of yellow hair stuck out, he kept pulling over his ears with both hands. Ilyusha differs from the rest of the village boys in his ability to retell scary stories in an interesting and exciting way. He told his friends 7 stories: about the brownie that happened to him and his comrades, about the werewolf, about the late master Ivan Ivanovich, about fortune-telling on parental Saturday, about the Antichrist Trishka, about the peasant and the goblin, and about the water.

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Kostya. In the description of the ten-year-old Kostya, the narrator notes the sad and thoughtful look with which he, drooping, looked somewhere into the distance. On his thin and freckled face, only "his large, black, glittering eyes with a liquid brilliance stood out; they seemed to want to express something, but he had no words." Terrible stories about evil spirits make a strong impression on little Kostya. However, he also retells to his friends the story he heard from his father about the mermaid, about the voice from the buchil, and also about the unfortunate Vasya, a boy from his village.

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Vania. For the smallest of the guys, Vanya, the author does not give a portrait description, noting only that the boy was only seven years old. He lay quietly under his matting, trying to sleep. Vanya is silent and timid, he is still too small to tell stories, but only looks at the night sky and admires the "God's stars" that look like bees.

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Conclusion: In letters to Turgenev, contemporaries reported that "Bezhin Meadow" was being intensively discussed and "produced a huge effect on the public in Moscow"; "an abyss of amazing details" was noted, "which even Gogol does not have." Miller drew attention to the children's peasant world in Bezhin Meadow, not only with all the unsightly darkness of superstitions that had fallen on him from the cradle, but also with all the cheerfulness and resourcefulness of creatures, also almost from the cradle brought out into the open field of life and left almost completely to themselves.

"Bazarov Fathers and Sons" - Critics of the novel. "A decent chemist is twenty times more useful than any poet." Lesson-Seminar. A.P. Chekhov. I.S. Turgenev. What a luxury "Fathers and Sons"! - At the present time, it is most useful to deny - we deny. P.P. Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov in the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". My God! based on the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons".

"Roman Fathers and Sons" - Maryino. portrait feature. One day in Maryino. The beginning of the third essay. Turgenev's skill in creating images of the novel. I. Levitan "Birch Grove". The results of the study of the novel. Third consultation. The beginning of the second essay. Task 1. Bazarov's unsent letter. Bazarov's diary page.

"Heroes of the Bezhin meadow" - V.A.Makovsky.1879. Night. Ilyusha is distinguished by the ability to tell scary stories in a fascinating way. Means of artistic expression. - Look - ka, look - ka, guys, look at God's stars - that the bees are swarming! Pavlush. I.S. Turgenev. Heroes of the story. What brings Kostya closer to other guys?

"Turgenev Bezhin meadow" - Lesson on the topic: "The magical beauty and power of the Russian word." Turgenev often uses such artistic means as comparison, metaphor and other forms of transferring the meaning of words: the upper edge of the cloud “sparkles with snakes”, “playing rays gushed”, “a thin tongue of light licks the bare branches of the willow”. "Bezhin Meadow" is the most poetic and magical story of the "Hunter's Notes".

"Turgenev Fathers and Sons" - MOU secondary school No. 2 ZATO p. Solnechny Olovyannikova Elena Petrovna. The history of the creation of the novel by I.S. Turgenev "Fathers and Sons". Pavel Petrovich Nikolai Petrovich Old men Bazarovs Arkady, Kukshina and Sitnikov. Yu.V. Lebedev. Arkady Kirsanov. 5 group. Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov. 4 group. A. Panaeva. Pavel Petrovich Nikolai Petrovich Old men Bazarovs Odintsova Kukshina and Sitnikov.

"Turgenev writer" - TURGENEV Ivan Sergeevich October 28 (November 9), 1818 Creativity of I.S. Turgenev. Creativity of the writer. Biography of the writer. And work again. Until August 1839 Turgenev lives in Berlin. Contact with Russian revolutionaries. P. L. Lavrov. Lesson objectives: Works of the writer. Literature lesson in 10th grade. Last years of life.

Total in the topic 43 presentations

"Images of peasant boys, their portraits, stories, the spiritual world" in the story of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin meadow" Literature teacher: Svitneva E.N. MOU OOSH №6 Atkarsk Purposes. 1. Content. The development of search cognitive activity, monologue speech of students, expressive reading, the ability to compare and generalize; to develop the skills of compiling the characteristics of literary characters, the skills of working with the word, the skills of text analysis. 2. Activity. Compile and analyze the portrait characteristics of boys. Show how the author relates to his characters. Find out how the stories told by the boys characterize the children; develop students' attention, memory, thinking, ability to analyze, draw conclusions. "Night" Discuss in groups the question:- How does the narrator feel about the guys whom he accidentally met in the night steppe? - How do we know about it? Lesson topic: "Images of peasant boys, their portraits, stories, spiritual world" IMAGE, -a, pl. -s, -s, husband. 1. In philosophy: the result and the ideal form of reflection of objects and phenomena of the material world in the human mind. 2. View, appearance. Create sth. in his own image and likeness(i.e. similar to himself; bookish). Lose about. human(same as lose human form). In the form of someone(in the form of someone). 3. A live, visual representation of someone or something. A bright image of the mother. 4. In art: a generalized artistic reflection of reality, clothed in the form of a specific individual phenomenon. The poet thinks in images. 5. In a work of art: type, character. Plushkin O. miser. The artist entered the (gets used to the role). Bezhin meadow and Snezhed river Tula region We draw up a plan for describing a person's appearance 1. The age of the boy. 2. Appearance. 3. Facial expression 4. Clothing. Get to know your hero. Find matches. Work on the text in groups. Fedya is from a wealthy family. Page 171-172 textbook. Pavlusha: the clothes consisted of a simple shirt and patched ports, which spoke of his family as poor. Page 172 textbook. The same poor boy Kostya is shown. PAGE 173 textbook. What do these children have in common? (The boys are very friendly, not spoiled, everyone knows how to talk well. They are village children, many of them are poor, they cannot study, because they are the children of serfs and there are no schools for them). What does the author use to depict characters? Conclusion: to reveal the image of the heroes, the author uses the portrait characteristics of the heroes Clustering: "Character Traits"

  • Pavlusha is brave, confident, smart.
  • Kostya is thoughtful, sad, curious.
  • Fedya is proud, curious.
  • Ilyusha is meek, calm, shy, caring.
  • Vanya is quiet.
  • Tales- inventions, inventions. Tradition- an oral story that contains information transmitted from generation to generation about historical events, about the events of past years.
  • belief- superstitious legend, belief).
  • Modern scientists call them BYLICHKI.
  • Bylichki are folk works of a superstitious nature, telling about encounters with supernatural forces.
Is it possible to recognize and reveal the image of the hero by speech? Conclusion: it means that the second element of the disclosure of the image is the speech, the stories of the boys. Reflection Questions: So, what task did we set? Were you able to solve the task? What was difficult to do, what was interesting? How?
  • How do you evaluate the result of the class work? My job?
  • How do you evaluate the performance of your groups?
  • 1) Compare Kostya's story about the mermaid with M. Yu. Lermontov's ballad "The Sea Princess". What makes the boy's story look like a ballad?
  • 2) Prepare (orally) a description of Bezhin Meadows, including means of expressive speech in your story.
  • 3) Compose your little story.
Thank you for your work!

from the cycle "Notes of a hunter"

The places mentioned in the story really exist: Bezhin meadow is located 13 km from Spassky-Lutovinovo - Turgenev's family estate; There are also the village of Varnavitsy, the village of Shalamovo, Parakhinsky bushes.

Heroes of the story: You would give the first, eldest of all, Fedya, fourteen years. He was a slender boy, with handsome and thin, slightly small features, curly blond hair, bright eyes and a constant half-joyful, half-scattered smile. He belonged, by all indications, to a wealthy family and went out into the field not out of need, but just for fun. He wore a colorful cotton shirt with a yellow border; a small new coat, put on in a sledgehammer, barely rested on his narrow coat hanger; a comb hung from a pigeon belt. His boots with low tops were like his boots - not his father's ....

The narration in the story "Bezhin Meadow" is conducted on behalf of the author, who is also a character - a hunter who lost his way and got lost on a July night. The narrator absorbs a child's view of the world, and thanks to this, one of the main themes of the story is declared to him with greater immediacy - nature and the hero in their harmonious unity.

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"Presentation "A lesson on the story of I.S. Turgenev" Bezhin meadow ""

Lesson based on the story of I.S. Turgenev "Bezhin meadow"

"Hunter's Notes"

Literature lesson in 7th grade.

Prepared by a teacher of Russian language and literature at the Ushakov secondary school

Shamrovoy N.V.

Turgenev Ivan Sergeevich. (28.X.1818-22.VIII.1883)

“You erected a lasting monument to yourself ... -“ NOTES OF A HUNTER.

"Notes of a Hunter" is a book about people's life in the era of serfdom. "Notes of a hunter" was a significant event in the creative development of Turgenev. “I am glad that this book has come out,” the writer said, “it seems to me that it will remain my contribution to the treasury of Russian literature ...”

Illustration for the story "Burgeon". Artist P.P.Sokolov.

Illustration for the story "Bezhin Meadow".

Artist A.I. Lebedev

Space in the story "Bezhin Meadow"

The places mentioned in the story actually exist:

Bezhin meadow is located in

13 km from Spassky-Lutovinovo - Turgenev's family estate;

There are also the village of Varnavitsy, the village of Shalamovo, Parakhinsky bushes.

Artistic time in the story

By evening, these clouds disappear ...

It was a beautiful July day...

the evening light has faded...

System of images - characters







Heroes of the story

There were five boys...


The first, the eldest of all, Fedya, you would give fourteen years. He was a slender boy, with handsome and thin, slightly small features, curly blond hair, bright eyes and a constant half-joyful, half-scattered smile. He belonged, by all indications, to a wealthy family and went out into the field not out of need, but just for fun. He wore a colorful cotton shirt with a yellow border; a small new coat, put on in a sledgehammer, barely rested on his narrow coat hanger; a comb hung from a pigeon belt. His low-topped boots were like his boots, not his father's.


The second boy, Pavlusha, had unkempt, black hair, gray eyes, broad cheekbones, a pale, pockmarked face, a large but regular mouth, a huge head, as they say, the size of a beer cauldron, a squat, clumsy body. The small one was unsightly, - what to say! - and yet I liked him: he looked very intelligent and direct, and there was strength in his voice. He could not show off his clothes: they all consisted of a simple sackcloth shirt and patched ports.


The face of the third, Ilyusha, was rather insignificant: hawk-nosed, elongated, short-sighted, it expressed some kind of dull, sickly solicitude; his compressed lips did not move, his knitted eyebrows did not diverge - he seemed to squint from the fire. His yellow, almost white hair stuck out in sharp plaits from under a low felt cap, which he kept pulling down over his ears with both hands. He was wearing new bast shoes and onuchi; a thick rope, twisted three times around the waist, carefully pulled together his neat black coat. ...


The fourth, Kostya, a boy of about ten, aroused my curiosity with his thoughtful and sad eyes. His whole face was small, thin, freckled, pointed down like a squirrel's; lips could hardly be distinguished; but a strange impression was produced by his large, black, gleaming eyes with a liquid gleam: they seemed to want to express something for which there were no words in the language - in his language at least - there were no words. He was small in stature, of a puny build, and rather poorly dressed.


The last one, Vanya, I didn't even notice at first: he was lying on the ground, quietly crouching under the angular matting, and only occasionally sticking his blond curly head out from under it. This boy was only seven years old.

The narration in the story "Bezhin Meadow" is conducted on behalf of the author, who is also a character - a hunter who lost his way and got lost on a July night. The narrator absorbs a child's view of the world, and thanks to this, one of the main themes of the story is declared to him with greater immediacy - nature and the hero in their harmonious unity.

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Robert Williams is a British singer, songwriter and actor. Former member of pop group Take That from 1990-1995 and 2009-2012, and popular...