Runic formulas for the fulfillment of desires are very strong. Runes of freebies and fulfillment of desire

Runes first came to us from Scandinavia and England. In the distant past, people used runes not only to predict the future, but also for.

The legends of these countries say that when God spent nine days on the World Tree, he dropped nine sticks on the ground in order to facilitate the existence of those living on Earth. They made an unknown pattern, made up of lines. Imperceptibly, these sticks turned into 24 signs, called runes. Given to people for love, for the fulfillment of desires, for viewing the future, the runes dispersed into the world and exist to this day.

There are 24 runes in total (except for one empty one), each of which carries its own subtext and destiny. They open to a person a vision of the future in perspective and a potential outcome of reality. But it is important not only to foresee the coming changes, but also the opportunity to radically change them.

The impact of the runes is very strong, therefore not every person will be able to immediately dispose of them correctly. Therefore, wrong application can give rise to many calamities and sufferings. Every reckless action or erroneous step has a chance to harm a person or others.

However, do not be upset if you have just begun to get acquainted with this teaching. In fact, if everything is done in step-by-step instructions and does not violate the existing principles, then nothing bad should happen.

It is desirable to know that learning the basics will take much more time than you might think. Sometimes the duration of comprehension is delayed for a long period of time. It is not so difficult to understand the rules, how to accurately direct the runes to the energy message of the signs.

Rune table

Once you begin to hone your skills a little, you will be able to change your life and achieve the fulfillment of almost all your desires.

As a rule, people strive to achieve everything at once. This is not entirely true, because it is necessary to set one specific goal first for the best result. After a while, move on to the next desire. And so little by little you will be able to fulfill all your goals and dreams.

Some of the most common desires: to find love, to become rich, to get rid of the disease. Almost everyone wants to do this, but first you need to study all the runic signs.

Runes, unlike Tarot cards, cannot be laid out in the wrong combination, and only then try to distribute them in a new way. In rune divination, such blunders are unacceptable.

When divining on runes, complete concentration is required, because even a small inaccuracy or negligence in the conduct of the ritual can have a negative impact in the near future.

Fulfillment of desires with the help of runes

To begin with, decide on your desire and clearly formulate it. Choose any natural element for yourself. Usually people use either leather or wood, stone, mineral or glass can also be used.

Each desire has a separate rune formula

On the chosen material, write the runic expression that suits your desire. When applying, you need to pronounce each character aloud, and then pronounce your intended wish.

From now on, let the created talisman for the fulfillment of desires always lie in your pocket, maybe on your neck or in the pocket of your bag. It is recommended once a week to take it in your hands and holding it, think of your desire as already fulfilled. In a similar way, the magical runic amulet is charged and draws fresh energy.

Rune formula for wish fulfillment

We all have our own goals and aspirations. For some they are ordinary, for others they are unattainable, but we all want them to be fulfilled and achieved.

If your desire is quite feasible, then it remains only to think about it and enter three runes in a line (or draw):

Vunyo - Teyvaz - Vunyo

Remember that the order is not allowed to be changed, otherwise you can harm yourself.

Rune formula for female attractiveness

Every girl wants to look perfect. Many people invest in beauty salons and beauty treatments.

And there is another way - to create your own personal amulet with a conspiracy to female seductiveness. To do this, apply the runes in the following sequence:

Kano (Kenaz) - Gebo - Laguz

Be sure to say out loud the name of each rune as you write them.

Rune formula to attract money

The money component is often present in our desires. And this is normal, because for their implementation it is often sufficient to have a certain amount of money.

To achieve a monetary goal, write on one side of the rune talisman:

Soulu - Soulu - Feu,

turn and on the back also apply them in this order:

Feu - Otala - Soulou - Soulou

Be careful not to confuse!

Rune formula to attract love

You cannot expect fullness from your own life while there is no loved one in it, who will help and calm you at any difficult moment. To “attract” true love into your life, write on the selected material:

Kano (Kenaz) - Hyeres - Otala

Friends, remember that magic rune rituals will not fulfill your desires for you - with the help of rune magic, you will get a chance to fulfill them. And how you use it will depend only on you.

Let your Dreams come true!

Alena Golovina


This is the rune of joy, joy to everything in a row.

Runa Vunyo is called when they want a holiday, good mood, health, happiness.

Vunyo closes the first Eight of Frey, this is one of the most powerful runes.

The Power behind this rune is the Power to fulfill true deep Will, innermost Desire. This is a symbol of the end of fairy tales: "And since then they lived happily."

Vunyo removes energy blocks, improves well-being, increases self-esteem, heals cracks in relationships.

Vunyo - The Power of Welfare, Prosperity, Beauty, Good Luck!

Deity - ONE, the supreme deity that gave rise to Creation. The power of inspiration, inner wisdom, creativity.

VUNIO - Good luck, joy, harmony, increase in strength. Enhances success and happiness in all manifestations. If you have a terrible, in all respects, life situation, try creating an amulet with the Vunyo rune. An amulet with this rune will help you in a successful resolution of the situation or lead to the cessation of the situation altogether.


Success in almost every area of ​​life, especially in love and career.

Successful journey and good ending.

Traditionally, the VUNJO rune is a talisman that allows you to maintain the harmony of energy, psyche, consciousness, and the external environment.

In addition, the rune helps well to focus on everyday activities that can cause disharmony, that is, it prevents problems from arising.

It improves the situation in the family well, brings peace and happiness due to the fact that everything goes calmly, as expected, stable, without surprises.

It harmonizes the emotional sphere, gives a powerful feeling of satisfaction with the existing life without problems.

VUNIO is joy - evidence of true willpower, able to withstand all temporary difficulties, cope with all sorrows and hardships, although they sometimes seem formidable, and the fight against them is impossible at first glance. Vunyo is the first rune associated with the will itself, as well as the rune of a harmonious and complete personality.

Runa Vunyo unites all facets of personality into a single whole, relieves tension between them and binds them into a single whole, just as a hearth burning in a house unites relatives around itself.

Vunyo is used to counter any despair and grief that weakens the soul. It is especially useful in cases where we need "emotional healing", and in such situations Vunyo is able to strengthen and balance us.

This is a suitable rune to overcome estrangement between people, especially between family members, and bring different groups of people together. Her strength increases if they have a common goal, or if they are threatened; all this improves the understanding of commonality between people and reduces the anxiety that often develops in the absence of intimacy.

In the personal sphere, Vunyo enhances courage and good spirits, improves self-esteem and teaches a person to treat the world around him correctly. With its help, you can bring yourself joy or gain universal love.

Vunyo is our assistant in the matter of physical healing, as it improves the functioning of the mind and body, and heals the mind and heart at the same time. This rune perfectly reflects infectious diseases, strengthening the immune system at all levels.

Magic rune The Old Norse word "Vunjo" means "glory of perfection". It is the culmination of a flawless and unconditional love that makes no demands and gives itself completely without expectation of anything in return. It is understood that everything in the world is beautiful and worthy of love. This rune indicates to us the ideal to which we should strive.

Vunyo was considered by the runic shamans as a “performer of desires”, since she contains the potential power of realization. This is the surge of joy that we experience when the innermost desires of our hearts are fulfilled. It is also the ability to recognize hidden affinity and attract it to you to establish harmonious relationships. It is a balm that heals the wounds caused by strife and misunderstanding.

Runic shamans compared the inscription of a rune with a shaman's crystal wand, which in itself served as a tool for the realization and materialization of the desired. This is a symbol of confirmation of a purposeful desire.

Vunyo follows Gebo and expresses the joy of possession that follows the act of giving. It is the joy of sincere sacrifice.
POTENTIAL: Correct calculation, release of energy.

KEY FEATURES: Unconditional love, climax, orgasm, joy of satisfaction.

PRACTICAL USE: Helps to determine the best time for the necessary actions and thus achieve the best results. CALL: Everything in life is a lesson for your struggle for excellence. Seek deeper, go beyond the obvious.

The rune can help you:

  • find happiness and well-being;
  • improve your self-esteem;
  • heal cracks in relationships;
  • to bring the plan to a satisfactory result;
  • strive for perfection.

This rune is made when they wish themselves and others a holiday, good mood, health and happiness. She comforts in sorrow and supports in moments of weakness. If you are waiting for the arrival (or at least news) of a distant friend, this rune will help bring the long-awaited minute closer.

VUNIO or Triumph.

The young people, seized by an unexpected surging feeling, walked in silence. Only when the sun reached its zenith did Wulf break the silence.

“We need to refresh ourselves, Orsana.

They stopped in a small clearing next to the river. Despite the fact that they were moving north, there was no cold snap. Summer that year was very warm. When they settled down on the grass and took out supplies, Orsana asked:

Will there be snow where we're going?

I hope not. It would be hard to live where even in summerthere is snow, but it will probably be colder there than over our fjords.

“And how do we know that this is the place where our tribe will have to settle.

We must be careful and watch for signs. And the runes will definitely tell us this.

And what will become of us, Wulf?

What happens to us depends largely on us. But the future of our people is now much more important. If you want, we can ask the runes.

The girl nodded her head, boldly extended her hand to the bag that the young man gave her. A moment later, a circle with the sign of Vunyo appeared on her palm.

Is it a good rune? the girl asked worriedly.

Very good, Orsana. This is the rune of triumph and joy.

Tell me about her.

This rune belongs to the element of Air and favors all bold and decisive undertakings. Her action can manifest itself immediately, but she can also predict those events that will occur only after a while.

To us, it portends a successful end to our journey, a happy achievement of the goal and the fact that our tribe will find a place for a quiet life. So, Orsana, whether you like it or not, we will be heroes,” the young man finished with a smile.

And for you and me, what does it mean?

That while our love should be like love between brothersTom and sister, since the time for a more serious relationship is stilldid not come. Maybe we're not ready yet, maybe the conditionsunfavorable. But when we do our duty and obsess overtrouble, only then will the time for our love come.

How wise you are, Wulf,” the girl sighed in surprise. You can always explain everything so rationally.

You, Orsana, are also quick-witted and learn very quickly, andyet so beautiful and sweet. If I can win your reciprocity, it will be my triumph.

Wulf, I would like to answer you, but I do not know how. I ampreying on you, I feel safe next to you, Igot rid of fear thanks to you, I like being with you, but I always doubt if this is love.

- Not hurry up my darling, you have time to understand thatI mean to you. For now, it's enough for me that I love you,and it is such a strong feeling that there is no point in resisting it. Now,” he added, holding out his hand to her, “let me help you up.” We need to go further and get to the promised rune Vunyo triumph.


vunyo, vinyo, winn, vunio, venne


win, victory, happiness, joy, salvation


Strengthens the immune system, accelerates recovery from infectious diseases, softens and soothes.

Rune potential:

Accomplishment of tasks, release of energy, triumph

Basic properties:

Unconditional love, climax, satisfaction, joy of achievement, glory

Rune Message:

Everything in life is a lesson on the road to excellence. Try to look deeper and go beyond reality.

Predictive value:

Joy, satisfaction, brotherly love, success in love. Companionship, true friends, benevolence. Professional triumph, recognition, team support, win, success. A pleasant surprise, overcoming contradictions, emotional comfort.

Magic use:

Helps to determine the optimal time for action. Accelerates the achievement of positive results, attracts happiness, consoles in sorrow, encourages in a moment of weakness. Accelerates the fulfillment of desires, strengthens unity in a team or partnership, acts as an antidepressant.

Runa Vunyo can help you:

- achieve happiness and success;

- increase self-esteem;

- improve relationships between people;

- find true friendship;

- to bring all planned cases to a successful conclusion;

- get closer to perfection.

Runa Vunyo should meditate, when you would like answers to the following questions:

What is my relationship with fame?

- Can I plan my activities?

- Can I work in a team?

What is friendship for me?

- Can I be satisfied?

How do I experience my successes?

— what does the definition of “commit a feat” mean to me?

Becoming Gift - Gift.

Just a bag of gifts for any person.

Changes the direction of the probability lines to the positive - problems are weakening, money appears, goals are achieved. Ingredients: Eyvaz - a powerful push and redirection.

Becoming a Soul - fulfillment of desires and dreams

Rune Soulu - success, problem solving.
Tours - clears space and path
Tivaz (Tir) - goal, idea, dream, desire
Berkana - amulet
Second plan:
Wunyo and Raido - moving towards good luck, removing obstacles
Uruz - new situations and qualitative changes
Algiz - good luck and protection of the goal
Fehu - raising the material level
Inguz - fertility inexhaustibility
Yera - annual cycle
Sol (Krugleshok) - common protective shell

becoming Viljir - fulfillment of desires

standing against enemies, to prolong life, for protection, to fulfill desires. One of the most famous "wands". It can both cure a person, correct a life situation (whatever it is), and punish enemies, protect. variety of Rodu kross despite the external similarity).

Material - wood, clay, paper. Can be worn as a talisman, can be kept in the house, can be used to solve a specific situation.

Elm Dar

Brings an unexpected gift into your life. No matter what, materially valuable, or just pleasant and unexpected
basic - gebo - gift, gift
fehu - useful, significant, expensive (financially and for the heart)
vunye - bringing joy and satisfaction
dagaz - changing life for the better (improve the quality of life)
pert - chance, luck to get it
yera - again - profit and a little thing for permanent use, benefit
Becoming applied to yourself.

Becoming the gifts of the universe

(becoming on the disclosure of extrasensory abilities, the opening of Divine channels, including money ones).

Thanks to the material that was kindly provided by Shamal, such a becoming was born.
Shamal thank you for the colorful design!

And so the basis of the stave is the Glyph - the Symbol of a person's talent. In practice, it is used to reveal talents in a person.

At the bottom is the connection - Glyph RETURN OF MEMORY - Talisman for opening the spiritual channel. It is used to connect a person with higher beings of Light, to increase the spiritual level; development of intuition and extrasensory susceptibility to receive information from higher worlds. The talisman reveals the Divine essence of the feminine and masculine. Helps to feel the energies of the Earth and the Cosmos to the fullest. Gives awareness of past lives and understanding of the processes of reincarnation as a mechanism for educating the soul.

Glyph Kuus. High potential - Promotes a focus on the higher, the disclosure of leadership qualities, the ability to unite, psychic abilities (clairvoyance, telepathy, mesmerism).

Glyph LOOKING FORWARD - The talisman is aimed at the accelerated awakening of consciousness, the discovery of clairvoyance, spiritual growth, calmness of emotions.

Apply with care! Get strong enough! You can draw on yourself, a photo or make a talisman!

Becoming the Gold of the Scythians.

Becoming working to attract material wealth (what you specify).

Working runes:

Fehu - material good (the one you stipulate)

Laguses are the attraction of this good,

Raido and Algiz provide an open opportunity to get what you want,

Vunyo - the joy of achieving (receiving).

Of course, it is not a fact that the car will fall out of the sky within the agreed time frame! =))) Simply by becoming it solves material problems. If we think of a car, then it is given to you in the way that is most favorable and most likely to achieve the goal.

Becoming originally conceived for the acquisition of material ... But I never stipulate the terms, since the runes work on their own terms and they themselves choose the path of least resistance to achieve the goal.

Becoming Wish Fulfillment - Bali Square

Becoming Wish Fulfillment 1

Enchant elves: x - for making deals, for getting a job, success; l - for acquiring various benefits, for protection and prosperity, for protection from evil, concentrates the action of the stav, generalizes the work of runes and letters in the stav; q - for the fulfillment of plans, for the fulfillment of desires ...

Sol-runir: ? - is used to obtain a result, guarantees the fulfillment of any fleeting desire (therefore, it is better to specifically and immediately stipulate it); ? - to achieve the desired in long-term projects, for long-term plans and prospects, for the achievement of major desires, for profit, for attracting customers, for transactions, etc ...; p - is intended for success, good luck and prosperity, fulfillment of desire, prosperity and performance, while the rune protects becoming.

Make it as a talisman, carry it with you. The order of application is normal. Activate as a runic talisman, it is advisable to carry it with you. Becoming will stop working on its own when your wish comes true. Therefore, there is no need to set deadlines. Just then burn with gratitude and that's it. Gifts to the Elves as usual: sweets with colored wrappers, honey, milk, calendula flowers (marigolds), etc... not all of course and a little bit, you don't need to bring a lot. The main thing is that you compose a song of praise for them with feeling ("song" is not necessary, but welcome). The desire to order one for one becoming.

Becoming Wish Fulfillment 2

Becoming Wish Fulfillment 3

Actually, as it is called, that's what it does

The formula consists of:

Perth - luck, getting what you want;

Gebo - a gift, a gift;

Ansuz (2 pieces, form 2 evaz on top) - our desire, evaz in the background provides a quick movement to the desired;

Vunyo (2 pcs) - the result, fulfillment, happiness from getting what you want.

Mannaz, which can be seen in the middle of the formula, is in the background, and fits perfectly into the formula

Becoming the fulfillment of any desire.

Becoming "Oath"

Created on the basis of the "Blessed Union" stav of the respected Trap. The meaning of the stave is to appeal to the Gods, a request for the fulfillment of a desire, followed by an oath to do / not do something all your life or for a long time, i.e. payment - the fulfillment of the oath. Also, it will help to ward off the bad, if what you want can be harmful to you. If the Gods agree, impudent and vile disobedience, violation of the oath will be accompanied by hot stars, so think a hundred times whether what you want is worth it, such a step is not one of those that can be taken lightly.

Working runes in the stav:

Eyvaz - the will of the Gods;

Gebo + Salt - oath;

Mannaz is a man, and a gift if there is the will of the Gods;

Slander as an appeal:

“Oh, Great Gods, I appeal to you and ask you to hear me. If it is your will, then (wording of desire). in the formulation of the desire, they say, if you want to be able to learn to play the piano, then let my abilities and skills grow and improve, or prosperity come without loss, if you want to get rich, etc. ... turn on your imagination). For the rest of your life\for some time. You need to swear something weighty enough to justify the value of what you want. If it’s not your will, then let everything remain as it is. If I dare to intentionally violate my oath, then I ask you, punish me justly. May the great Thor be a witness to my oath. In the name of the Great Odin, dbt!"

To slander on a piece of paper with a stav inflicted with blood (you can sign your name from the bottom with blood). Activation only by burning, ideal for starting a situation. About what they swore not a word to anyone !!!

Becoming an Angel Lomador

Standing on the wings of a dream.

Becoming affects all aspects of life and contributes to the acquisition of everything that you lack so much. Gives prosperity and success. He helps to follow in the right direction to fulfill his dream, but only one that will not harm anyone.


Draw on paper, cardboard, wood, canvas, silk, etc. Use a brush and paints. You can print the image and color the mascot itself.

As soon as you start drawing, the glyphs immediately start to move.

Becoming a pyramid

Becoming consists of glyphs: beginning, expansion, growth, saturation and revelation. Frame stav Glyph power. Becoming designed to achieve the plan, success, good luck. enhanced with letters of Charlemagne. I put the glyph on a photo of mountains, because it feels like this energy. When you go down from the mountains, you come to the city, there are no problems for some time, there are tasks that you can solve relatively easily. Here, according to the impact, something similar happened. The validity period is a week!

Becoming a gift of fate

"A gift of fate". In the form of a chain of events following one after another, in the form of gifts or winnings, we achieve the result (goal) we need. The goal can be from winning the lottery, to changing housing, work, etc. The second becoming "Win" is precisely financial, you can replace the filling of the stav (Fehu-Dagaz) with other runes (for example, direct and mirror Fehu) and win, attract something else...

Becoming a helper - fulfillment of desire

Sometimes you dream, you dream about something: how the date will go, what you will do at the weekend, how you will go to visit, what gift you will receive, but you never know about anything ... And so you think like this, you dream, and when the time comes, then what you want or not it comes true or it comes true so awry that it would be better if it didn’t come true at all ... Here is the formula for such cases:

Working runes:

eB (Hung.) - receiving something: gifts, profits, information;

Thromaz (germ.) - a dream, a dream, a fabulous country;

eK (Hungarian) - precise targeting;

Sigel (northumb.) - victory, quick and bright;

eM (Hungarian) - joy, fun, tone, good mood

To stipulate: “Let the power of the runes fulfill / realize what I now dream of, my desire / my dream, with accuracy and exactly as I want, let the fulfillment of my dream be quick and bright, and bring me joy, fun and good mood ".

Becoming right on target - a breakthrough in the field

Becoming is intended to break through in a certain area and achieve results at all costs. Negotiate in the following vein:

Becoming collects and accumulates energy from the surrounding world (besides this and that) and directs it to an unconditional breakthrough to solve a given problem with a successful exit and achievement of a result. Becoming highlights only the positive, necessary to achieve the goal of quality and does not harm the operator.

The composition of the runes in the stave: Sol, Inguz, Yera, Kano, Gebo, Teyvaz.

"Circles" is the Icelandic rune Sol repeated four times. Having become, start drawing as it is more convenient, from any rune.

Becoming the implementation of plans.

Soul - gives energy

2 Teyvaza - aspiration

Evaz - constant, persistent progress in the right direction

Naud - mobilization of forces, concentration

Mirror Vunyo Fehu - moral satisfaction and reward for

work. It is in the mirror position that these runes give the desired effect.

Becoming a candle of desire

Becoming a “Candle of Desires” is designed to achieve a goal, get what you want, create the necessary situation.

The main thing is that the desire (goal) be realistic, good.

For harmful desires, this becoming cannot be used.

It is made on the growing moon.

Start with the day of the week whose planet suits your desire.

(Monday - Moon, Tuesday - Mars, Wednesday - Mercury, Thursday - Jupiter, Friday - Venus, Saturday - Saturn, Sunday - Sun. Look for details on the forum).

Purchase a candle that matches the color of your desire. Draw on it (with a marker, sharp object, etc.) becoming, in full length (take a closer look, it consists of seven small staves that form an ornament).

Draw and activate as usual.

Then put a candle in front of you, light it.

Look at the candle and think about your desire or say it out loud until the first element of the stav burns out. Extinguish the candle.

Repeat the ritual for seven days until the candle is completely burned out.

"DESIRE OF POSSESSION" - helps to realize the plan and manage circumstances and people.

"BIRD OF LUCK" - attracts good luck in any endeavor - from love to business.

"BLESSING" - contributes to the satisfaction of all your needs.

"ACHIEVEMENT OF THE TOP OF GOOD" - contributes to obtaining a positive result.

Becoming a Taran creator - fulfillment of desire, attraction of good luck ...

Becoming the 3rd throne - fulfillment of desire

"In the book" Runic conspiracies and apocryphal prayers of the Icelanders "by L. Korablev, one can find such a set of stakes for the fulfillment of the plan:

The options may be as follows: engrave on a ring, bracelet or, having depicted on paper, placed in a small tube. Since there is no conspiracy in the original recipe, improvisation is indispensable - you need to somehow appeal to the forces, formulate what you want, etc. For these purposes, I have compiled a short spell based on the "Vision of Gilvi", after uttering which one should briefly and clearly voice the desire. Here is the spell itself, with some revisions:

“Eg se ?rju has?ti og hvert upp fra o?ru og satu ?rir menn sinn i hverju. Nofn ?eirra eru Har, Jafnhar, ?ri?i og ?eir munu hjalpa mer i malefnum.”

“I see three thrones, one higher than the other, and three men sitting on them. Their names are High, Equal High, Third, and they will help me in business."

Becoming a successful goal achievement. Runes Eyvaz - Hyera

Becoming Freebie 1

Uruz + Evaz + Raido-Beloved horse))), pushed by the forces of desire (or a specific "philanthropist", or everyone around .. "suddenly" and "unexpectedly", who wished to be such)))

Eyvaz + Ansuz-shock and awareness (desire itself) of what needs to be "given"))

Vunyo (mirror) + Fehu - the embodiment and materialization of the plan

Nautiz (mirror) - the realized need for "patrons")))

Raido-comes and gives

Vunyo gives and he rejoices at this.

Inguz result

Becoming a Tsvetik seven-flower - fulfillment of desires I did becoming, my girlfriend came, I automatically postponed becoming a flyer with sushi delivery. An hour later, maybe less (did not pay attention for a while), the doorbell rang
- You are the 1000000th user of our kitchen, you have a gift from the sushi set company for 4 persons.
We are shocked. Well, a gift is a gift. Later, we noticed standing on the flyer. A friend immediately said, These are your things, well, explain, I also want that.
And what to explain, I didn’t even activate it, I just created it. They began to check. She put her standing in the compartment where the spirits are. During the week, everyone who turned to her for help gave perfume. And I put in a bouquet of flowers. I don’t think it’s necessary to say that at the end of the week there was nowhere to put flowers. We decided to try it with a not very pleasant friend, she kept crying that she had big bills, we unanimously and confidently advised to put it on one of the accounts. Yes .. The result is not made me wait - taxes came already for 2009. In general, becoming we called it that way - A LOT. So girls, if you need something and a lot during the week - you need this becoming. Here's what you need - that's what we put. Stav does not work for more than a week.

A talisman or a permanent carrier is not needed, just a piece of paper and a deliberate desire and, probably, a smile like in simorone.

So about the runes.
Eyvaz - a miracle that we expect
Perth - finds opportunities to create this miracle.
Fehu - prosperity, a miracle comes in large quantities
Vunye is good for you, and the people who give you are even more pleased.
Dagaz - changing the situation in your favor
Laguz - flows aimed at receiving
Yera + Nautiz - mandatory harvesting.
Soulo gives energy to the whole stav, and Teyvaz purposefully directs energy to achieve the goal.

There are secondary inverted Laguses, but it’s better not to stipulate them, because in the stav they, like streams of wind into a weather vane, cool the ardor a little. wood.

Becoming Mighty

I present to your strict opinion my new work, becoming "Mighty". The main task that was laid down was to make all actions to achieve something (no matter what actions, whether you are waiting for a resolution on your application, applying for a job, housing, benefits) not empty chores, as they say, so that your efforts do not turn out to be empty . The stav contains the runes Kenaz, Hyeres, Algiz, Fehu.
Kenaz - here the stipulation is simple - in order to CAN, i.e. I do it because I can, and if I can’t, I want it to be possible. Opportunities have opened up for the implementation of the task. I recommend that this particular rune set a goal, and the rune, in turn, will look for opportunities for its implementation. Jera - so that the task set acquires completeness, so that the actions find implementation and logical completeness. Algiz - The acquisition of a stable result and of course a positive one. Fehu - fixing the result until the desired result is obtained.

Becoming a Gift

"Gift" (to receive as a gift the necessary amount of money or the right thing)
Once upon a time, she compiled a formula for receiving a desired thing as a gift or the amount of money needed to purchase it. Since then, I have tested it on myself and on friends 5-6 times - the desired result has always been, and quite quickly.
Uruz - Mannaz - Gebo - Fehu - Dagaz - we attract personal luck (Uruz) to a person (Mannaz) for a person to receive as a gift (Gebo) material values, money (Fehu) to improve their financial situation, to get what they need (Dagaz), in the last test I decided to add Yera - it worked very quickly, so I decided to leave it (but it also works without Yera). You can negotiate both the amount of money necessary for something and the desired thing.

Every person has at least one cherished dream. Who does not want love, good luck, success in business? Runic formulas help to fulfill a desire in a short time.

How to fulfill your desires

Among the symbols of the Elder Futhark there are runes for the fulfillment of desires, tested by magicians in practice. To get the result, first write a detailed description that suits your desire. Runic standing on the fulfillment of desire is applied to the blank for the amulet and kept with you until it is fulfilled. Some practitioners draw formulas on the body or use paper.

The main rune for the fulfillment of desires is Vunyo. The symbol will bring joy to a person, reduce anxiety and help unlock innate potential.

Yera is another rune that brings the plan to life. The sign symbolizes a reward for work, removes obstacles on the way to the intended goal, gives strength to a person to move forward.

Gebo also refers to the runes used to translate ideas. Her presence in the layouts is interpreted as receiving gifts, mutual energy exchange, the sign helps to come to harmony and balance the internal state.

Dagaz is called the rune of true aspirations, its action attracts the bearer of metamorphosis into life, which lead to a breakthrough.

Runic formulas for the fulfillment of difficult desires include bright energy symbols that bring the fulfillment of a dream closer. For negative formulas symbols of destruction are used. The first rune in the runescript sets the tone for the work, the rest are arranged arbitrarily. They start working with runes for desire after it is clearly articulated.

Popular stakes

Below are three popular and effective formulas for the fulfillment of a cherished aspiration.

"3 Thrones"

Becoming - "3 Thrones".

The operator cuts the runestav on a wooden blank, stipulates the work of the runes for the desired result. After the stipulation, the amulet is activated by fire, the ashes are placed in a linen bag and carried with them until the intention is fulfilled.

  • Vunyosymbolizes the fulfillment of desire;
  • Teyvazenhances the work of the runes and nourishes them with energy.


Becoming - "Sauromat".

This runic combination will help you achieve what you want, achieve your intended goal. Before using "Sauromat", the operator diagnoses himself for personal compatibility with the energy of the runescript, then stipulates the spell and voices the exact wording of the desire.

  • Uruzcreates circumstances favorable for the fulfillment of a dream;
  • Teyvazguarantees the implementation of the plan;
  • Raidoopens the paths that will lead to the dream;
  • Hyèresfulfills a wish;
  • Souloucharges the runescript with solar energy;
  • Turisazattracts good luck;
  • Quortcleans the operator from possible negative impact;
  • Eyvazhelps a person overcome difficulties on the way to a dream;
  • Fehudirects energy in a creative direction;
  • Nautizhelps to achieve the goal.

"Right on target"

Becoming - "Right on target."

This runescript gives a person access to energy, teaches him to accumulate resources, draw strength from his environment. Under the influence of the runes, the character traits of a person necessary for the fulfillment of a desire appear brighter than usual.

  • Hyèresrewards for diligence;
  • Kanoclarifies thoughts and pushes a person in the right direction;
  • Inguzfixes the action of the runes and helps to realize the plan;
  • Soulouprotects from negativity and gives strength;
  • Teyvazbrings the dream to life;
  • Gebosymbolizes desire.

Fulfillment of difficult desires

Some global desires are difficult to realize using only personal resources. We have found runescripts that will help you make a breakthrough, move to a new level of personal development, make a leap and change a person's life.

"Getting Anything You Want"

Becoming - "Getting everything you want."

This spell helps to achieve the goal, complete the work of a lifetime and come to wealth. The operator specifies a specific area that needs transformation.

  • Vunyogives good luck and prosperity;
  • Gebosymbolizes the realization of a dream;
  • Soulousaturates the runes with energy and leads a person to a victorious end;
  • Perthshows the operator new features that will speed up the execution of the plan;
  • Laguzsharpens intuition and helps to make the right decisions;
  • Fehuguarantees wealth and material well-being;
  • Bundle Gebo - Vunyoguarantees the desired result;
  • Chain of Soulu - Fehu - Gebo gives abundance;
  • The combination of Soulu - Fehuexpands the financial flow, charges it for profit.

"Dreams Come True"

Stav - "Dreams come true."

The energy of this spell helps to make dreams come true, even non-standard ideas become true. The operator stipulates a runic position on safety, ease of execution and the absence of interference in the work of other talismans that are charged with a similar action.

  • Fehupushes a person to move to a new level of thinking;
  • Ansuzenhances the effect of the spell;
  • Eyvazgives strength and helps to overcome obstacles on the way to the goal;
  • Turisazcontrols circumstances and turns them to the benefit of the operator;
  • Gebo - Vunyo - Hyerahow the runes of the fulfillment of desires are responsible for the final result and guarantee the realization of aspirations.

"Gold fish"

Becoming - "Golden Fish".

This is a proven runestav that has been tested by many runologists. The spell is used to achieve the goal, the area of ​​\u200b\u200bapplication is unimportant. The operator specifies each rune in the spell separately, composes the text at his own discretion or uses a ready-made visa.

  • Dagazattracts positive changes into a person’s life;
  • Fehuguarantees progress in the fulfillment of desire;
  • Odalteaches to defend their own interests;
  • Hyèressymbolizes a dream;
  • Inguzgives the runescript strength;
  • Fehu-Odal bondmeans earning money.

When to expect results

After applying the runic formula and its correct activation, the desire is fulfilled within a period of time from three to thirty days.

We remind you that the use of runes opens up new ways to bring desires to life, but does not replace actions. A person is obliged to make efforts to get the desired result. The runes will not do the work for you, but will help you overcome difficulties and indicate new paths to your dream.

Today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk about the magic of runes, and pay attention to the runes of prosperity and wealth. To attract money into your life, it is not enough just to want it. There is a set of magical rituals for quickly attracting wealth energy, and this is what will change your life, open the way for you to big money. You can not only attract money, but also hold it so that it does not flow away like water, but works for you. To do this, you need to make the energy of wealth rotate, not stagnate, not run out.

Powerful runes of wealth will make you attractive to the money egregor, and he will come into contact with you more often and more willingly. For this purpose, positive runes are used, which are prosperity. The stakes and formulas, consisting of such runes, and having an exact program set by the magician, will help you solve your problems in different areas of life. But today I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, will talk specifically about money, I will consider examples of runic staves.

Which rune attracts money - becoming a rich patron

With its help, you can find a sponsor and philanthropist, or a reliable business partner who will be ready to invest his money in a joint business. If you read a conspiracy for a specific person, say, a partner not in the business sphere, but in love, then your greedy man will become more liberated and generous. The rune Laguz, present in the magical stave, will help you find the key to the person.

So, becoming consists of the following runes: Teivaz, Manaz, Laguz, Inguz, Eyvaz, Fehu. All these are strong runes, where there are runes of money and wealth.

  1. Teyvaz: search for a sponsor and patron.
  2. Manaz: directly the person who is influenced, in addition, through this rune, a connection is established with this person.
  3. Laguz: searching for a key to a person, and finding it, successful completion of negotiations
  4. Inguz: creates a suitable climate for good and fruitful relationships. This is a rune that attracts money to a person, its sacred meaning: potential, abundance, movement, exit from a closed space.
  5. Eyvaz: this rune helps to achieve what you want.
  6. Fehu: opens a money channel; this is the correct rune of wealth and prosperity, popular with many who surround themselves with runic money amulets and talismans for well-being.

Now is the time to learn how to properly spell this becoming from runes for good luck and wealth. To the stakes that the magician activates, he gives an individual task. This is the meaning of the conspiracy: to form a clear program within which the runes will act to solve a specific problem. The correct plot is clear, without the assumption of vague, obscure formulations, where the runes are verbally given a specific setting to attract money, supported by intention and visualization.

In order for the runes of wealth and success to help you attract both into your life, give them a clear setting, exclude emotions during the ceremony, speak so that the runes work harmoniously, without harm and do not interfere with the work of other staves activated by you. Then let go of your intention and desire, do not interfere with the magic of attracting money to come true. We also remember the invincible power of faith. It is she, the belief in her rightness and the power of money magic, that creates the canvas of reality, giving it the features that you need. Next, I will give examples of a conspiracy to the rune stav Rich patron.

Powerful runes for wealth and money - how to stipulate becoming a rich patron

“By the power of this runic stav, a man (the name of a man) gives me gifts (a gift such and such, if you want to receive something specific from a man). I will activate this runic becoming (tell me exactly how you activate it: with saliva, breath, or otherwise, the way you are used to doing it). This rune becoming a Rich Patron works without harm to my physical and mental health, as well as to the physical and mental health of my loved ones and bloodlines, my home and property. When this rune becoming completes its work, I will deactivate it (tell me exactly how: by burning, or in another way, as you are used to deactivating runes that have completed their task). Let it be so".

If during the magic ritual you turn to the gods, then be sure to bring gifts in accordance with all the rules. Here is the second option on how to read a rune plot for a task to a rich patron, real runes for wealth and fulfillment of desires.

“By the power of this runic stav, a man (woman) (name) supports me in a business (such and such) and is ready to invest in the development of this business. Everything happens to mutual joy and agreement, I receive material support from a man (woman) (name) easily, without problems and without harm. I will activate this rune becoming (tell me exactly how you activate it: with saliva, breath, or otherwise, the way you are used to doing it), and it will begin its work here and now, immediately after activation. This rune becoming a Rich Patron works without harm to my physical and mental health, and also without harm to the physical and mental health of my loved ones and bloodlines, my home and property. When this rune becoming completes its work, I will deactivate it (tell me exactly how: by burning, or in another way, as you are used to deactivating runes that have completed their task). Let it be so".

This strong rune became tested, showed good results, and can be used at home both to attract customers and to make a profit, develop a business, or in order to stir up a greedy lover, to remind that greed is not the best advertisement for a man.

On their own, money runes for wealth, arranged in becoming a rich patron, begin their action quickly, from about 30 to 60 minutes. The magical effect falls on the object gently, without harming anyone. Sometimes there are side effects - fatigue and weakness of the victim. This may be due to blocks or the negative of the object on which at home you made a runic bet to attract money and good luck. Usually, if fatigue occurs, it goes away within a day.

The effect of signs of wealth - becoming a Gift Certificate

In staves, practicing magicians use not only the Scandinavian and Slavic runes of happiness and wealth. Many real magicians practice solving specific problems with the help of European glyphs. For example, becoming a Gift Certificate, it consists entirely of European glyphs and symbols for gaining wealth. This stave is intended to receive gifts. You can specify certain gifts from certain people.

These are the signs for obtaining wealth and are used in this "Gift Certificate" stav.

Optionally, you can wear this becoming as a runic amulet to attract wealthy clients:

  • Glyph Gift - used to receive material benefits, gifts; creates and maintains a fruitful basis for pure beginnings and acquisitions.
  • Glyph of Opening Opportunities - assists in removing obstacles, opens up new opportunities, supports new favorable situations for a person.
  • Glyph Present - harmonizes the situation as a whole, moves it off the ground, and supports the process of positive transformations in the present.
  • Glyph Concentration of Forces - used to concentrate and enhance the effect of the spell.

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergey Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful amulet attracts good luck and wealth. MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately correctly adjust it to yourself in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally well suited for people of any religion

Ancient strong runes for health, wealth and good luck

Whatever sign of wealth or a combination of these signs you choose for your well-being, you need to take into account that the action of the runes will be carried out only if they are consciously and correctly applied.

Runa Fehu - a strong runic talisman, genuine symbol of wealth and prosperity. But, this is not the only rune of good. Consider the most famous and successful runic combinations of money amulets that are put in a wallet to attract money. These powerful runes of wealth can be used individually, or they can be combined into magical formulas and staves. To correctly compose runic becoming a symbol of good luck and prosperity, you must remember the condition of the three elements: LOOK ON THE OFFICIAL SITE ...

These runes are used for, harmonious and superbly proven money talismans. Such formulas are put on their photos, on pieces of paper, banknotes or plastic bank cards, and carried in a wallet as a money magnet. To such proven rune talisman belongs to money magnets Mill to attract money. In general, there are a lot of varieties of Mills for money; these staves contain different runes, but Fehu is certainly present in the combination of runic signs.

They also make more time-resistant amulets on wood and natural stones. The inscriptions of magical runes to attract money into your life can be applied to personal accessories and jewelry, to clothing items. And, of course, the body. Many people wear runic tattoos today, using the runes of success and prosperity.

Very good if you make talisman of well-being with your own hands. However, if you are not engaged and are not confident in your abilities, you can always buy a runic talisman for wealth in esoteric stores, or order magic goods in online stores, and then customize them yourself.

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